Saturday Club Rides - Request for Winter Route Suggestions

Following positive feedback on the new summer routes and to provide a bit more variety, we’re looking to refresh the Saturday ride winter routes.

We’d be grateful if regulars from our B and C groups could have a think about potential routes (and cafe stops, naturally), plot a suggestion out on Strava or RWGPS and send the link to

A ride planning seems to be gathering momentum on Facebook so we’ll look to incorporate the A ride routes on to the website as they get posted on Facebook.

For winter routes, we’d suggest they’re about 10 miles shorter than our summer routes, or alternatively have the option to bail back in Leicester mid-route, should it turn out we are in fact made of sugar.

We’ve also resurrected the LFCC Cafe Map that our former President Ian Nutt started a few years ago. You can find this at which may a useful resource in route planning. New suggestions of cycling friendly cafes are always welcome.