LFCC News - 28th November 2020


Club Ride re-starts

In line with government and BC guidlines, club rides will restart next weekend (5th December).

As before, you will need to sign up for the Saturday and Sunday rides on the website by 8PM the Thursday prior to the ride. Email notifications will then go out, by the very latest the night before the ride, with details of the group and the route.

The same gang will be putting togther Saturdays and Sundays, however if you would like to help, or have route suggestions, please let us know at website@leicesterforest.com.

Note we are not planning a ride for the 26th December where you'll be left to fend for yourself!

2021 Membership Is Due in December

If you pay by standing order, you will have seen the recent correspondance requesting members increase their S/O to align with the new membership costs. If you've not done this yet, please, please, please do it now before the start of December and let Rob D know at membership@leicesterforest.com. If you don't update in time, it will get very messy and cause you and us a lot more hassle when we have to fix it.

If you don't currently pay by standing order please consider setting this up (in time to go out early December this year). Membership is cheaper via S/O as we don't have to cover the paypal fees. If you're adamant that you want to pay more than your club mates, please use the website to pay for your 2021 membership now (https://www.leicesterforest.com/clubmembership).

Cafe Ventoux Affiliation

We're please to announce that with immediate effect, all LFCC members will be entitled to a 10% discount at Cafe Ventoux with proof of club membership. In practice, this means wearing a club jersey (or digging out your membership card). They've advised that their staff may not remember, so don't feel shy about asking for the discount. Cafe Ventoux remains open during this second lockdown. Other cafes are available.

LFCC History Film - Help Needed

You may have seen the short films of LFCC Rockets and LFCC Ladies recently. A third film is in production on the history of LFCC. We looking for still imagery to be included over which there will be narration etc. If you have any interesting photos etc over the years that helps to tell the story of the club, and you are happy for their inclusion in the film, please get in touch (website@leiceterforest.com).



We've penciled in the LFCC AGM for 1st February 2021 at 7PM. This will almost certainly be a video/zoom/meet/teams format, so this year there's no need to even leave the comfort of you living room.

Got to the bottom? Now's a good time to update or setup your standing order!

Leicester Forest