This Sunday is the last chance to volunteer this calendar year for an LFCC event (see below). We’re up to 75+ different members volunteering this year which is great to see. All members are reminded that when you join the club there is an expectation that you will volunteer for at least one event. If you have club kit, been on a club ride or looked at the website, your are benefiting from the work of your club mates - please help share the workload.
Following the recent communication on committee members, prospective members are invited to attend the November committee meeting. If you’ve thought about joining the committee but haven’t been in touch yet, please contact to find out details.
Upcoming Events
Cyclocross Race, 17th Nov. This Sunday is our cyclocross race at Beaumont Leys. More volunteers are always welcome ( Good luck to all the LFCC riders racing. See you there bright and early.
Club Dinner, 25th Jan. Don’t forget our LFCC annual dinner, provisionally scheduled for 25th January 2020 - more details to follow.
Winter Audax, 9th Feb. Details of the LFCC Winter Audax, “Rutland and Beyond” are up on AUK (, the ride always serves as a good reason to get out in February.
Other Events & Requests
From time to time other clubs and organisers approach us to promote their events which may be of interest and they generally reciprocate in return for us. In the least possible spamy way we could come up with:
The Bradwell HillBilly cycle sportive is local(ish), 28th June 2020, 78km and lots of climbing set in the peak district. For further information, please see, or the facebook page @BraddaHillBilly.
Not an event, but a survey on your experience of cycling. This one is for psychology researchers at Royal Holloway Uni (and a chance to win some amazon vouchers) see
John Wilton is helping to organise local Mountain Bike Orienteering - Sun 1st December, Gaddesby. See